This Term's Topics
Climate Around the WorldAnimals Including HumansMultiplication & DivisionDreams and Goals; Healthy Me!
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a great time with your families over the Christmas break. Our topic this term is ‘Climate around the World’ in which we will primarily focus on the Rainforests. The children will learn: where in the World the Rainforests can be found; the four layers of the Rainforest; what the climate is like in the Rainforest; people and settlements of the Rainforest: animals and plants of the Rainforest; and explore why the rainforest is under threat and the measures taken to protect it.
In English, we will be reading a variety of books from around the World, incorporating different climates. Our first novel is Ice Palace by Robert Swindells and our second book (a picture book) is ‘Gregory Cool’ by Caroline Binch which is set in Tobago.
This term in Maths we will be focusing on Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Mass and Capacity. As well as this, we will continue to focus on improving our understanding and instant recall of the 2-, 5-, 10-, 3-, 4- and 8-times tables.
It is essential that children take time to develop their instant recall of times tables and associated division facts. This will help them access formal multiplication and division methods and will also help with their understanding of fractions.
The children have been provided with logins for Times Table Rock Stars and Doodle Tables to help them improve their times table knowledge.
This half term our science topic is ‘Animals, including Humans.’ The children will learn about: what animals and humans need to survive and stay healthy; to explore different animal skeleton types; to investigate how the human skeleton supports movement: to learn how muscles and bones work together to support movement; and to design and carry out an investigation.
Our PE day is Tuesday. Please ensure that your child brings their full PE kits on this day (black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, PE t-shirt, trainers or black plimsols) in a bag. We also use our track to do the daily mile every day and have specialist coaches who work with us throughout the year. In PE this half term, we will be focussing on Invasion Games.
Class 9 Staff
Mrs Neil – Monday to Thursday
Mrs Fell – Friday
Mrs Hewitt - Senior Teaching Assistant (STA)
Class 9 Home Learning
The children will be given a homework grid with a wide range of activities centred around the topic of the term. We would ask them to complete one activity per fortnight and bring their completed homework in on a Friday.
The children will also have a weekly spelling list and a times table activity (focusing on a particular times table each week).
All children have been given logins for Times Table Rock Stars and Doodle . The usernames and logins have been stuck into their homework books. Please encourage them to use these apps at home to support their home learning.
Please encourage your children to read regularly at home. Try to ensure that they read to an adult at home at least 3 times per week and record this in their reading record.
If you need any further information, resources, or support with any learning at home, please send a message on here and we will do our best to help you. Alternatively send an email to:
Mrs Neil and Mrs Hewitt
Class 9 Weblinks
Tessellation - How to make a tessellation patternTessellation - create your own online Tessellation video - What is tessellation? Tessellation - BBC Bitesize