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Class 10 News
Mrs Banks 27 Jun 19

We've seen some fantastic peer assessment in Year 4 this week.

Mrs Banks 27 Jun 19

We've seen some fantastic peer assessment in Year 4 this week.

Mrs Banks 17 May 19

Such enthusiasm from our Year 4 Chatterbooks this week. These two girls recommended books to each other and have done a book swap.

Mrs Banks 14 May 19

Year 4 enjoyed their first sewing club meeting yesterday.

Mrs Banks 13 May 19

Year 4 have produced some delicious homework as part of our Ancient Greece topic. Thank you for your support with this.

Mrs Banks 15 Apr 19

Four of our Year 4s took part in an Able Writers Day with author Colin R Parsons.

Mrs Banks 15 Mar 19

Year 4 had a wonderful time at the Pencil Museum. The work the children produced there is fantastic and looks great in our classrooms.

Mrs Banks 15 Feb 19

In Class 10, we have some children who have completed their Times Table Passports. Well done!

Mrs Banks 13 Feb 19

Thank you to our wonderful visitors who came to talk to Year 4 today.

Mrs Banks 25 Jan 19

This week, Year 4 have enjoyed reading Mr Stink as part of their English lessons.

This Term's Topics

  • Roald Dahl
  • Science: Sound
  • Science: Human Nutrition
  • Jigsaw: Hopes and dreams
  • Spring term.
    This term we will be reading the stories of Roald Dahl and using his stories as a stimulus for our writing. The pieces of writing will include recipes, instructions, creating Roald Dahl inspired settings, items and character descriptions. We will read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Danny Champion of the World and Billy and the Minpins as well as other Dahl titles.

    Our Science Topics this term are sound and human nutrition. In these topics, we will learn about the parts of the ear and their functions as well as how sound travels. We will also learn about the digestive system, the functions of different organs and how to eat a varied and balanced diet.

    This term in Maths we will be focusing on further multiplication and division, length and perimeter before progressing onto fractions and decimals. There will be a focus on arithmetic to consolidate what has been taught in daily maths lessons. We will also work hard on instant recall of times tables, in particular through the use of Times Table Rock Stars, Doodle Tables and Doodle Maths. Please note that the Y4 Times Table check takes place in June, where children are expected to know tables up to 12x12 with rapid recall.

    In PE this term we will be consolidating fundamental movement skills through modified games. We will also teach some small sided games that incorporate net and wall skills as well as striking a moving object and manipulating equipment such as rackets and bats.

    Class 10 Home Learning

    Home learning

    Each child has a CGP book for Times tables and Spelling. These are sent home on Fridays and should be returned by the following Friday to be marked in school. Please ensure this work is completed.
    You can also keep busy with

    - Times Table Rockstars.

    - Doodle Maths

    - Doodle English

    - Doodle Times Tables

    - Doodle Spell

    It is important to keep reading and practise the skills you already have. Try to make sure that you are reading every day. Don't forget to look up any unfamiliar words in a dictionary or ask an adult to explain the meaning. Ask questions about what has been read and make predictions as to what might happen next.

    If you need any further information, resources or support with any learning at home, please mention it to us at the end of the school day and we will be happy to help.

    Class 10 Downloads

    Viking Homework

    Class 10 Weblinks

    Times Table Rockstars
    BBC Supermovers Timestables
    Spelling Frame

    White Rose Homelearning
    BBC Newsround
    Audio Books