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Class 12 News
Mrs Cannon 20 Dec 19

Class 12 made some fantastic festive board games this week. They demonstrated some great teamwork skills!

Mrs Cannon 19 Dec 19

Class 12 have created some beautiful pieces of art work using watercolours. I am so impressed! Well done everyone!

Mrs Cannon 8 Dec 19

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow Class 12! I can't wait to hear about all of the wonderful things you have been up to in the Autumn term with Mrs O'Farrell, Mrs Martin and Mrs Stephenson!

Miss Barrett 17 Nov 19

Year 5 enjoyed dancing on Children in Need day in PE

Mrs OFarrell & Mrs Martin 8 Sep 19

Welcome back Class 12!

Mrs Cannon 28 Mar 19

Super sewing skills class 12! The children have loved making these cushions and their end products are amazing! Well done everyone!

Mrs Cannon 28 Mar 19

More amazing cushions...

Mrs Cannon 4 Mar 19

Fabulous Fairtrade artwork by class 12! We re-used fairtrade packaging to create these wonderful pieces of art.

Mrs Cannon 25 Feb 19

What a fantastic start to Fairtrade Fortnight! Class 12 enjoyed using fairtrade bananas to make some delicious smoothies to start their day!

Mrs Cannon 5 Feb 19

Class 12 love Times Table Rockstars. Their rapid recall of their multiplication facts has massively improved and it is great fun!

This Term's Topics

  • Science- Life Cycles Separating Mixtures
  • Maths-Multiplication,Division &Fractions
  • DT-Mechanisms (pop up books)
  • PE-Gymnastics & Swimming
  • Welcome back after the Christmas break! We hope you all had a restful time with your families. We are super excited about the term ahead and have lots of interesting things planned.

    Our new topic this term is 'The Victorians'. We plan to cover: Queen Victoria and her reign, poverty during this era, child labour and what it was like to live during this time period.

    The following information gives an outline of our planned work for the summer term in Year 5. We look forward to sharing key learning opportunities with you!

    Year 5 trip to Beamish- Thursday 13th March- More information to follow.

    Children in Year 5 will be encouraged to read a range of genres and may listen to and discuss a variety of stories, non-fiction texts, poetry, plays and textbooks in order to understand the structure of different texts and their purpose. They will be asked to make predictions, compare texts or make inferences from clues in texts.

    Children will learn how to identify the audience and select the correct writing style and tone. They will be expected to ensure writing flows well and ideas linked across paragraphs using adverbials of time, number, or place.
    Pupils will be encouraged to regularly assess the effectiveness of their own writing and those written by others, focusing specifically on punctuation, grammar, vocabulary and spelling.

    The National Curriculum for England spelling requirements for Year 5 include statutory spellings and common exception words. There are 360 words in total, so why not practise spelling and using one new word each day? There is a link to the full Year 5 and Year 6 Spelling List in the 'Downloads' section below.

    Areas of study include:
    • adding and subtracting numbers with more than four digits
    • prime numbers, common multiples, cube and square numbers
    • comparing, ordering and adding fractions with different denominators. Some may also learn how to multiply fractions.
    • reading and writing fractions as decimals as well as practising rounding to two decimal places
    • drawing angles and learning how to find missing angles
    • converting from cm to m and g to kg, but also converting between metric and imperial measurements, such as miles to km
    • learning the properties of shapes and calculating the area and perimeter of irregular shapes

    This term will see us study and explore two new topics, 'Life Cycles' and 'Separating Mixtures'.

    Life Cycles will cover describing the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird, as well as describing the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

    Separating Mixtures teaches children to discuss and separate a range of mixtures using the processes of sieving, filtration, magnetism, dissolving and evaporating.

    Our PE day is Thursday.
    Every child will require a FULL PE kit (plain black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, PE T-shirt, and a change of trainers/plimsolls) in a named bag. Earrings must either be removed or tape provided.

    There is plenty to look forward to in other subjects as well, including Art, Computing, Music, Languages and Design Technology...

    CLASS 12
    Mrs Martin - Monday
    Mrs Wallace - Tuesday - Friday

    CLASS 13
    Mrs Martin - Tuesday
    Mr Wilson - Monday, Wednesday-Friday

    Senior Teaching Assistants
    Mrs Bulman
    Mrs Banks

    Thank you for your continued support!

    Year 5 email address

    Class 12 Home Learning

    The children will be given a homework grid with a wide range of activities centred around the topic of the term. We would ask them to complete one activity per fortnight and bring their completed homework in on a Friday.

    Other activities that we encourage the children to complete at home are:

    - Times Table Rockstars

    - Doodle Maths

    - Doodle English

    - Doodle Times Tables

    - Doodle Spell

    - Learning Beck games

    Please continue to support your child's progress in reading by hearing them read every day and asking them questions about what they have read.

    We would love to see all the wonderful things you are doing at home. You can send photos, power points, pictures, etc to our class email address.

    If you need any further information, resources or support then please speak to your class teacher.

    Class 12 Downloads

    Victorians Homework grid

    Class 12 Weblinks

    Times Table Rockstars
    Tessellation video - What is tessellation?
    Tessellation - How to make a tessellation pattern
    The Maths Factor
    CBBC Newsround
    Maths Chase
    Hawse End 2023 Information

    Time Table Rockstars
    BBC Bitesize Earth and Space
    Tessellation - BBC Bitesize