This Term's Topics
The AmericasScience-Living Things
Spring Term
Our topic this term is The Americas. The children will identify the continent of North America on a map and learn how it is organised into areas, such as the Caribbean and Central America. They will identify the 23 countries that comprise North America and locate them on a map. The children will look at a global climate zone map to identify climate patterns around the world. They will then explore some of the different climate zones in North America, using graphs and charts to examine and compare the climate in different locations around the continent. We will identify some of the famous features of North America, including natural features such as the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls, finding out how they were formed. They will also explore some human features and landmarks, such as the Panama Canal and the Hoover Dam. The children will define what a capital city is before finding out the names of some North American capital cities. They will think about questions they could ask to find out information about a particular city, as well as matching capitals to their countries. We will identify why different parts of the world have different time zones. They will use time zone maps to work out time differences between various locations in North America, as well as locations in North America and the rest of the world. The children will describe their local area in detail, using appropriate geographical vocabulary. They will then compare their local area with specific areas in North America, considering how both physical and human features and similar and different. We will recap everything they have learnt about North America. They will then move on to researching a particular North American country, generating questions they want to find the answer to and using a variety of sources of information to find the answers. They will present what they have found out in a variety of ways.
In English we use a selection of quality texts to teach the key skills of spelling, grammar and punctuation. These quality texts are also used as models for our extended writing where we look closely at the style, technique and vocabulary choices of the author. We will be focusing on extending vocabulary and the use of advanced punctuation.
In reading, we will be exploring a variety of texts and focusing on answering more formal, assessment style questions.
This term we will be introduced to the ratio symbol, use ratio language as well as looking at the relationship between ratio and fractions. Then we will learn at how this knowledge to make scale drawings. We will end this block by applying what we have learnt to ratio and proportion problems.
The children will be introduced to Algebra in the form of function machines, then they are introduced to the vocabulary of algebra: form expressions, substitution, formulae and form equations. The children will use this knowledge and understanding to solve one and two step equations, moving into finding pairs of values and solving problems with two unknowns.
The children will extend their knowledge of decimals from Y5 through rounding, addition and subtraction of decimals then move to multiplying and dividing decimals by 10,100 and 1,000. Finally, they will multiply and divide decimals by integers and multiply and divide decimals in context.
Work on fractions and decimals will look at fraction and decimal equivalents, understand percentages then ordering fractions, decimals and percentages. Finally, we will learn how to find a percentage of an amount.
In shape, we will revisit area and perimeter. The children will find areas and perimeters of shapes including any triangle or parallelograms. The work on shape will look at calculating volume s counting cubes and through calculation.
Our final maths topic this term is Statistics. We will look at different ways that data is presented through line graphs, pie charts and bar charts. We will read and interpret this data and draw pie charts as well as finding the mean of different types of data.
Some children will be swimming this term to reach the end of Key stage standard of 25M. Your child will bring a letter home if they are one of these children.
PE is timetabled for Tuesday and Friday afternoon and will be outside where possible.
The children will also take part in the Daily Mile every day.
Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school, which they will keep on their peg. They will change in school, prior to the lesson.
This should consist of:
- black shorts (leggings/jogging bottoms for outside when the weather is cold)
- P.E. T-shirt
- plain black plimsols or trainers.
- please ensure long hair is tied back and jewellery removed or covered with tape.
We would also recommend that the children take part in some form of exercise each day. This may be a walk, a bike ride, or an out of school club.
Class 15 Staff
Mrs Craig - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Rinder - Wednesday
Mrs Dalrymple - Senior Teaching Assistants (STA)
If there is anything specific your child would like to learn, please do get in touch via our school email
Class 15 Home Learning
Each child has a CGP book for Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG). These are sent home on Fridays and should be returned by the following Friday to be marked in school.
You can also keep busy with
- Times Table Rockstars.
- Doodle Maths
- Doodle English
- Doodle Times Tables
- Doodle Spell
- Learning Beck games.
- BBC Bitesize daily lessons
- Oak National Academy online resources.
- Watching Newsround every day is a great way of keeping up-to-date with what is going on in the world.
Please continue to support your child's progress in reading by hearing them read every day and asking them questions about what they have read.
Class 15 Downloads
10 4 10 Spag Revision10 4 10 Reading RevisionLetter from Downing Street10 4 10 Maths Reasoning Revision10 4 10 Maths Arithmetic Revision10 4 10 Maths Arithmetic Challenge10 4 10 Maths Reasoning Challenge
Class 15 Weblinks
TopmarksTimes TablesTimes Tables 2White Rose MathsFirst NewsKS2 SATs: A Parents’ GuideThe Natural Curriculum