This Term's Topics
Topic - We can be heroes! Science - Materials and their propertiesMaths - Money P.E - Gymnastics
Welcome back to school and happy new year to you all! We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your families.
Our new topic is 'We can be heroes'. We will be delving into the exciting world of superheroes and superpowers!
In English, our writing will link to our 'We can be heroes' topic. Our writing will be inspired from our class text 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey, as well as the 'Supertato' series by Sue Hendra. We will be exploring the features of comic books and writing our own advert for a superhero toy.
In Maths this half term, we will recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p) and combine amounts to make a particular value. We will solve simple problems in a practical context involving addition and subtraction. We will calculate mathematical statements for multiplication, division and equal signs.
Physical Education
Our PE day this term will continue to be on a Thursday morning, with Action Ants. Please ensure that your child brings their full PE kits (black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, PE t-shirt, trainers or black plimsols, all with names on each item) in a bag at the beginning of term. PE kits should remain in school and will be sent home at the end of each half term. We also use our track to do the daily mile.
Snack and milk
Children can bring a piece of fresh fruit to school each day for their morning snack, if they wish. If packaging is required, please send it in a reusable box with your child's name on. All children will also be offered a piece of fruit every afternoon and those who pay for milk using the online service will continue to receive this each morning.
It is important that all children have their own water bottle in school every day (water only please, no juice 😀).
Contact us: 📞
If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of the teachers, please telephone the school office. Messages can also be sent via Learning Beck, using your child's login details.
Class 6 Staff:
Teachers - Mrs Underwood (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Mrs Fell (Wednesday)
STA - Miss Fisher (Full time)
Contact us: 📞
If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of the teachers, you can contact us via our class email - or alternatively, telephone the school office. Messages can also be sent via Learning Beck, using your child's login details.
Mrs Underwood, Mrs Fell and Miss Fisher
Class 6 Home Learning
We read every day in Year 2 and will change our reading books in school each week. Being heard read and being read to at home is equally as important, to help develop children's vocabulary and aid their comprehension skills. So, try to read a bedtime story every night too when you can 📚🦉.
Children will be given passwords for Doodle which will also be stuck inside the front cover of their reading journals. Try to use Doodle as often as you can manage. Little and often is best. If you need a reminder of your login details, please send us a message.
At Robert Ferguson we encourage the skills of independence, creative thinking, planning and presentation skills. Each half term, we will send home a homework grid with a choice of activities linked to our topic for your child to complete. If you need any help with homework or have any questions you can email us or speak to your teacher. When your homework is complete, bring it into school so we can celebrate your amazing work and effor
Class 6 Weblinks
BBC - Changes within Livings Memory (Toys)Pop Art Prints Topmarks - Toy Shop Money GameTopmarks - Coins GameBBC - Exploring Materials Doodle mathsYear 2 common exception word recall