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Nursery News
Mrs Thompson 2 Dec 19

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Mrs Smalley 22 Nov 19

Tim Bear has had a wonderful birthday. He enjoyed playing party games this morning and his birthday party at Magic Castle this afternoon. He also loved his first time on the school bus. Happy Birthday Tim Bear!

Mrs Smalley 4 Oct 19

Last week was the World's Largest Lesson Week. Afternoon Nursery enjoyed walking to the Household Waste Recycling Centre. We were very happy to see lots of people recycling.

Mrs Thompson 1 Oct 19

Feeling the weather

Mrs Smalley 20 Sep 19

Well done to all of the Nursery children for settling into Nursery so well and thank you to the parents for their support. We are enjoying exploring the classroom and getting to know our new friends. Please could everyone bring a family photograph in next week.

Mrs Thompson 28 Jun 19

When you have had enough of paddling, then a barbecue is essential.

Mrs Thompson 28 Jun 19

Its a lovely day to be in nursery - fun in the sun

Mrs Thompson 8 May 19

Today we have been washing the glittery germs from our hands, don't forget the soap!

Mrs Thompson 7 May 19

Smile for life in Nursery

Mrs Thompson 20 Mar 19

Forensic fun in morning nursery

This Term's Topics

  • Our favourite Nursery Rhymes.
  • This half term our theme is our favourite nursery rhymes.
    Each week we will focus on a different rhyme and our activities will be related to it.

    We will be talking about some festivals that are celebrated by different communties as well as becoming involved with fund raising for Children in Need. Our half term will end with a Nativity performance and other activities related to Christmas.

    Nursery staff
    Mrs Thompson - Teacher (Monday to Wednesday)
    Mrs Frost - Teacher (Thursday and Friday)
    Mrs Houghton-Fox - Senior Teaching Assistant (STA)

    Nursery Home Learning

    We use tapestry to send you observations and ideas for activities to do at home. We will also use tapestry to send memos giving details of the learning and activities happening in Nursery. You can use tapestry to send us information about the things your child is doing at home.

    Nursery Weblinks

    Topmarks Maths
    The Body Coach 5 Minute Kids Workouts
    Cosmic Kids Yoga