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Class 8 News
Mrs Purdham 16 Jun 17

Class 8 have had a fantastic afternoon building dens

Mrs Fell 16 Jun 17

Year 3 had a fantastic day at the Life Centre in Newcastle.

Mrs Fell 16 Jun 17

Year 3 & 4 enjoyed listening to Jeremy Strong.

Mrs Fell 14 Mar 17

Year 3 have enjoyed African drumming with Zozo.

Mrs Fell 28 Feb 17

Year 3 have enjoyed baking with Fairtrade products. We can't wait to eat them.

Mrs Fell 3 Jan 17

Hope you've had a great Christmas holiday and are excited to be back in school

Mrs Fell 11 Oct 16

Year 3 have enjoyed a great day at the Roman Army Museum.

Mrs Fell 31 Aug 16

Welcome back to school Year 3.

Mrs Fell 11 Apr 16

This term year 3's topic will be ...

Mrs Fell 16 Mar 16

Zozo has been teaching Year 3 African drumming this term.

This Term's Topics

  • The Stone Age
  • Rocks and Soils
  • Place Value and Addition and Subtraction
  • Being Me in My World
  • Welcome to Year 3! We hope that you have all had a wonderful summer break with your families.
    Our topic this term is the Stone Age. The children will learn about what everyday life was like in Stone Age Britain. This will include: placing the Stone Age period on a class time-line; exploring what footprints, bones and tools can tell us about prehistoric people; investigating why Stone Henge was built; learning about and creating our own cave paintings and much more…

    In English, our writing will link to our Stone Age' topic. We will be reading ‘The First Drawing’ by Mordicai Gerstein and ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura. Our class novel will be ‘Stig of the Dump’ by Clive King.

    This term in Maths we will be focusing on Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division.
    In place value the children will learn to read, write and order numbers up to 1,000 and determine the value of each digit.
    In addition and subtraction, the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of formal and informal addition and subtraction calculations methods.
    In multiplication and division this term we will be focussing on our developing our understanding of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and associated division facts. In addition, we will begin to explore and learn the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
    It is essential that children take time to develop their instant recall of times tables and associated division facts. This will help them access formal multiplication and division methods and will also help with their understanding of fractions.
    The children will be provided with logins for Times Table Rock Stars and Doodle Tables to help them improve their times table knowledge.

    This half term our science topic is Rocks and Soils. The children will learn to compare and group together different kinds of rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties; describe in simple terms how fossils are formed and recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.

    Our PE day is Thursday. Please ensure that your child brings their full PE kits on this day (black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, PE t-shirt, trainers or black plimsols) in a bag. We also use our track to do the daily mile every day and have specialist coaches who work with us throughout the year. In PE this term, we will be consolidating fundamental movement skills through modified games. The key focus will be on throwing, catching, agility, balance, and coordination.

    Class 8 Staff
    Mr Roughley – Monday to Friday
    Mr Pearson – Tuesday afternoon
    Mrs Hewitt - Senior Teaching Assistant (STA)

    Class 8 Home Learning

    The children will be given a homework grid with a wide range of activities centred around the topic of the term. We would ask them to complete one activity per fortnight and bring their completed homework in on a Friday.

    The children will also have a weekly spelling list and a times table activity (focusing on a particular times table each week).

    All children have been given logins for Times Table Rock Stars and Doodle . The usernames and logins have been stuck into their homework books. Please encourage them to use these apps at home to support their home learning.

    Please encourage your children to read regularly at home. Try to ensure that they read to an adult at home at least 3 times per week and record this in their reading record.

    If you need any further information, resources, or support with any learning at home, please send a message on here and we will do our best to help you. Alternatively send an email to:

    Mr Roughley and Mrs Hewitt

    Class 8 Downloads

    Roman Homework Grid
    Roman Homework Grid 2