This Term's Topics
The Amazing AmericasScience - Classification
Spring Term
Our topic this term is ‘The Americas’. The children will voyage across the Atlantic as they discover the continent of North America and all its amazing countries, cities and landscapes. They will identify the 23 countries of North America, from the vast lands of the USA and Canada down through Central America and on to the Caribbean islands. On the way they will explore the various geographical features of the different areas of North America and compare them with their own locality.
Our lessons will then lead the children on a voyage of discovery to South America as they learn about the countries, culture and geography of this fascinating continent. They will learn about the climate, the geographical features, the industries and the people of South America through a range of fun activities, giving them an insight into how life in South America is different to life here in the UK.
Ways to help your child-
• Ask them about what they have learnt. Recalling information and retelling it to you will help them retain new learning.
In English we use a selection of quality texts to teach the key skills of spelling, grammar and punctuation. These quality texts are also used as models for our extended writing where we look closely at the style, technique and vocabulary choices of the author. We will be focusing on extending vocabulary and the use of advanced punctuation.
In reading, we will be exploring a variety of texts and focusing on answering more formal, assessment style questions.
This term we will be focusing on:
Ratio - introducing the language and symbol of ratio, moving on to scaled drawings and scale factors.
Algebra - using formulae and forming equations to help solve problems.
Decimals - continuing to divide and multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000 as well as rounding, adding and subtracting decimals.
Fractions, decimals and percentages - ordering and comparing as well as finding equivalents.
Area, perimeter and volume - area and perimeter of different types of triangle; volume of 3D shapes.
Statistics - reading, interpreting and drawing a range of line graphs and pie or bar graphs.
We will also be doing daily arithmetic practice and reasoning and problem solving.
How to help your child-
•Ensure your child is fluent in recalling all their times tables at speed up to 12 x 12 and that they also know the corresponding division
facts eg 8 x 6 = 48, 48 ÷ 6 = 8. They can log into TT Rockstars to help them practice their x tables in a fun and interactive way. Confidently being able to recall their x tables will also support them with fractions and spotting relationships. All the children have individual logins for Times Table Rockstar and Doodle Maths. We recommend that the children use these regularly at home as well as in school.
We will continue to send home maths homework each week, to consolidate the learning in class; this is to be returned by Friday and will be marked in class with the children.
This term, our ‘Classification’ unit will teach children how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including microorganisms, plants and animals and give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics.
After half term, the children will study the 'Evolution and Inheritance' unit of work which will help them to recognise that:
- living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago,
- living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents,
- animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Embedded within the Year 6 Science curriculum, pupils will be 'working scientifically', where they are encouraged to use practical scientific methods, processes and skills throughout each programme of study.
This is timetabled for Tuesday and Friday afternoon and will be outside where possible.
The children will also take part in the Daily Mile every day.
Please ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school, which they will keep on their peg. They will change in school, prior to the lesson.
This should consist of:
- black shorts (leggings/jogging bottoms for outside when the weather is cold)
- P.E. T-shirt
- plain black plimsols or trainers.
- please ensure long hair is tied back and jewellery removed or covered with tape.
Some children will have a two week block of swimming this term to enable them to achieve the end of key stage two standard of 25m. If your child is involved in this, you will receive further information in due course.
We would also recommend that the children take part in some form of exercise each day. This may be a walk, a bike ride, or an out of school club.
Class 14 Staff
Mrs Barbour - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Martin - Wednesday
Mrs Dalrymple - Senior Teaching Assistant (STA)
If there is anything specific your child would like to learn, please do get in touch via our school email
Class 14 Home Learning
Each child has a CGP book for Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG). These are sent home on Fridays and should be returned by the following Friday to be marked in school.
You can also keep busy with
- Times Table Rockstars.
- Doodle Maths
- Doodle English
- Doodle Times Tables
- Doodle Spell
- Learning Beck games.
- BBC Bitesize daily lessons
- Oak National Academy online resources.
- Watching Newsround every day is a great way of keeping up-to-date with what is going on in the world.
Please continue to support your child's progress in reading by hearing them read every day and asking them questions about what they have read.
Class 14 Downloads
10 4 10 Reading RevisionLetter from Downing Street10 4 10 Spag Revision10 4 10 Maths Arithmetic Revision10 4 10 Maths Reasoning Revision10 4 10 Maths Arithmetic Challenge10 4 10 Maths Reasoning Challenge
Class 14 Weblinks
TwinklOak National Academy Classroom SecretsBBC Bitesize TopmarksWhite Rose MathsFirst NewsReading ComprehensionTessellation - How to make a tessellation patternTessellation video - What is tessellation? Tessellation - create your own tessellation online Tessellation - BBC Bitesize