This Term's Topics
Marvellous Materials Our Changing World
Welcome back to school and a Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a fantastic time with your families.
Our first topic to start the Spring Term is called 'Marvellous Materials'. In Maths we will be focusing on Place Value within 20. The children will be recognising numbers and counting amounts up to 20. They will also be solving addition and subtraction problems within 20. In English we will be focusing on story writing linked to stories such as The girl and the robot and The way back home. The children will also be completing writing linked to significant individuals in the past such as Mae Jemison and Ole Kirk Christiansen. In Science we will be looking at the properties of materials and identifying different types of materials.
Our PE sessions will take place on Wednesday - please send your child's PE kit in to be left in school so we can get them changed. We will be focusing on the fundamental skills of catching and throwing. Building on the skills we learnt in the Autumn term we will apply these skills individually, with a partner and in modified games.
Forest School will take place every other Friday, with classes alternating each week, and a timetable for this will be sent out. It will also be available in the useful documents section below.
Children will be awarded house points in class for the various subject areas if we feel they have either achieved something really well, put in a lot of effort, worked well together as a team or persevered when the task is difficult. If you would like any more information about house points, please see a member of the year 1 team.
Class 4 Staff:-
Mrs. Fearon -(Teacher) Monday - Friday
Mrs. Fell - (Teacher) Tuesday mornings
Mrs Sefton - (STA) Full-Time
Class 5 Home Learning
A homework grid will be uploaded at the beginning of every term. This consists of a reading, writing and maths task and some optional extras in the grid below. Homework can be sent or emailed to the address below. We are also delighted to see any other learning the children do that isn't on the homework grid, such as learning animal or tree names while out on a walk or in the park, or any other topic areas they are interested in.
Homework can be emailed in to the year 1 email address:
Class 5 Downloads
Year 1 Spring 1 Homework Grid