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Class 3 News
Mrs K Craig 13 Mar 18

A fantastic mornings PE.

Mrs K Craig 9 Nov 17

Class 3 working in the empathy lab to create little jars of happiness.

Mrs Holliday 13 Nov 15

Class 3 really enjoyed going on a Welly Walk in aid of Children in Need. Pudsey Bear came along to guide the way.

Mrs Thompson 4 Oct 15

Can you help? We have been so busy in Reception we have run out of small boxes, egg boxes, large yogurt pots and kitchen roll tubes. If you have any for recycling could you send them in for us to use in our fantastic creations - Thank you.

Mrs Thompson 9 Sep 15

Everyone in Reception is looking forward to greeting all of our new starters tomorrow. Welcome to 'Big School'.

This Term's Topics

  • All About Me
  • A big welcome to all our Reception children. During this year we will become independent learners allowing us to access learning through a range of areas such as the role play, construction and baking. Children will have access to the outdoors and many opportunities to develop life-long skills through play, carpet and snack time. Our topics this year will be developed with the children. This gives the children ownership over their learning. Areas in the classroom will be enhanced to reflect our learning.

    Each day will start with maths as a whole class. We will take part in daily phonics lessons which will support our reading and writing skills. Over the week children will also take part in critical literacy lessons where we develop our vocabulary to enhance our writing. We will also take part in PE, Philosophy for Children as well as weekly visits to the library to develop our life long learning skills.

    Our PE lessons will be every Friday morning. Children will bring their PE kits to school in September and leave them on their pegs. We will change in school for the lesson. This half term we will be work on basic skills, this includes moving in on and under apparatus in different ways, before moving onto dance.

    Class 3 Staff:
    Teacher - Mrs Craig (Full time)
    Teacher - Mrs Frost (Wednesday am)
    STA - Mrs Scott (Full time)

    All Reception children will have a daily snack, at our snack table. We ask for £4 per half term which can be paid on school money.

    Class 3 Home Learning

    Every Friday, all children will have the opportunity to choose a library book from our school library to bring home for the week.
    Children have Reading Records where you can record reading you do with your child. Please keep Reading Records in your child’s book bag.
    Reading books will be sent home when your child is ready. Once your child has a reading book, these will be changed every Tuesday and Friday so please keep them in your child’s book bag, along with Reading Records so we can change your child’s book.

    Our phonics this half term will be Phonics Phase 2 and common exception words. We will also be working on our blending and segmenting skills. If you would like to work on these with your child at home, the centre pages of their Reading Record has a Phonics section.

    If you have any questions please speak to a member of the early years team.

    Class 3 Weblinks

    Oxford Owls
    Top marks
    Phonics Bloom
    Phonics Play
    Music Makers