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Class 7 News
Miss Henry 3 Dec 18

Year 2 have enjoyed a visit from the fire service today. They have learnt about fire safety.

Mrs Pearson 24 Mar 17

Showcasing Sun Moon and Stars topic facts, songs and homework.

Mrs Pearson 10 Mar 17

Learning through Fairtrade how to help our neighbours around the world.

Mrs Pearson 3 Mar 17

Using Fairtrade products and ingredients we baked a themed cake to coincide with World Book Day!

Mrs Pearson 10 Feb 17

Embracing the sun, moon and stars topic by making an astronaut helmet to wear when travelling to the planet Venus.

Mrs Pearson 5 Jan 17

Hope you've enjoyed the Christmas holidays and are happy to be back at school.

Mrs Pearson 7 Nov 16

Travelling back to 1666 to act out a role in the Pudding Lane Bakery.

Mrs Pearson 5 Oct 16

Global Goals homemade lemonade challenge.

Mrs Pearson 28 Sep 16

Year 2 making lemonade for the enterprise challenge as part of our Global Goals week.

Mrs Pearson 22 Sep 16

Following the sequential steps in order to make a jam sandwich.

This Term's Topics

  • Topic - Field to Fork
  • Science - Feeding and Exercise
  • Maths - Place Value
  • P.E - Athletics (Action Ants)
  • ⭐Welcome to Year 2!⭐

    We are very excited to welcome our new Year 2 children on Wednesday 4th September. We hope that you have had a lovely Summer holiday with your families and are excited for what this school year has to bring. Our topic this half-term is 'Field to Fork'. We have lots of lovely things planned to support our learning that we know you will enjoy 😊.

    Our Science topic this half term is 'Feeding and Exercise'. Through this topic, we will be exploring the importance of exercise for humans, eating the right amounts of different types of food and hygiene. We will learn about the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival and what humans need to live.

    In English, our writing will link to our 'Field to Fork' topic. We will be empathising with characters from the story of 'The Little Red Hen' and 'The Windmill Farmer'. We will also be exploring the features of instructions and learning how to write instructions to follow a recipe.

    In Maths this half term, we will focus on place value. We will build on our existing number knowledge. We will also be exploring ways to represent numbers to 100 using a variety of concrete materials such as bead strings and Base 10 equipment. We will also be recalling and using addition and subtraction facts fluently, using related facts up to 100.

    Physical Education
    Our PE day this term will be on a Tuesday morning, with Action Ants. Please ensure that your child brings their full PE kits (black shorts/tracksuit bottoms, PE t-shirt, trainers or black plimsols, all with names on each item) in a bag at the beginning of term. PE kits should remain in school and will be sent home at the end of each half term. We also use our track to do the daily mile.

    Snack and milk
    Children can bring a piece of fresh fruit to school each day for their morning snack, if they wish. If packaging is required, please send it in a reusable box with your child's name on. All children will also be offered a piece of fruit every afternoon and those who pay for milk using the online service will continue to receive this each morning.

    It is important that all children have their own water bottle in school every day (water only please, no juice 😀). Please ensure your child has suncream applied before school on warmer days and brings a (named) sun hat to school if possible.

    Contact us: 📞
    If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of the teachers, please telephone the school office. Messages can also be sent via Learning Beck, using your child's login details.

    Class 7 Staff:
    Teachers - Mrs O Farrell (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday am)
    Mrs Davidson (Thursday pm & Friday)
    STA - Mrs Stephenson (Full time)

    Contact us: 📞
    If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of the teachers, you can contact us via our class email - or alternatively, telephone the school office. Messages can also be sent via Learning Beck, using your child's login details.

    Mrs O' Farrell, Mrs Davidson and Mrs Stephenson

    Class 7 Home Learning

    We read every day in Year 2 and will change our reading books in school each week. Children are heard read individually through guided reading sessions once a week. Being heard read and being read to at home is equally as important, to help develop children's vocabulary and aid their comprehension skills. So, try to read a bedtime story every night too when you can 📚🦉.

    Children will be given their Doodle logins this half term, which will be stuck into inside the front cover of their reading journals. Try to use Doodle as often as you can manage at home. Little and often is best. If you need a reminder of your login details, please speak to us or contact us through the school office.

    At Robert Ferguson we encourage the skills of independence, creative thinking, planning and presentation skills. Each half term, we will send home a homework grid with a choice of activities linked to our topic for your child to complete. If you need any help with homework or have any questions you can email us or speak to your teacher. When your homework is complete, bring it into school so we can celebrate your amazing work and effort! Homework can also be emailed to the school office.

    Class 7 Weblinks

    Place Value Chart
    BBC - Where does food come from?
    Place Value
    Doodle English
    BBC - How does food travel to our plate?
    Doodle Spell
    BBC Food and Farming
    Doodle maths